Jigs for assembly, centring, stamping, gluing and protection
They speed up and increase assembly process accuracy. They ensure the accurate position of components for inserting bolts, placing the stickers or sealers installation. They guide the operators to the correct tasks.
They are used at assemblies during input,output and interchange quality checks. In paint shops they ensure fast and precise installation of concealments.
What we offer:
- Jig and fixture functional design
- Implementation of POKA-YOKE principle, coding and marking
- Production documentation
- Jig production
- Jig adjustment
- Operator training and guidelines
What you get:
- Higher quality of production technology
- Faster and more accurate assemblies
- Ergonomic working place
- Fast return on investment ROI
- Service support, spare parts
- Stickers or sealers application, ergonomic working place, faster assembly, higher accuracy and repetitiveness of manual assembly tasks